Wednesday 30 May 2007

The Final Furlong

Its three weeks today that Mel will leave The Wolfson to continue her rehabilitation from the comfort of our own home. The last few days have been really difficult for us both and I`m finding these remaining weeks more challenging than her time at St.Georges. At hospital we were always given a sense of optimism but at rehab that famous saying "The Truth Hurts" really does hit home. Its difficult to get your head around how what was perceived to be a straightforward operation has turned our lives completely upside down. If she had been in a car crash or fallen off a horse then we would probably find it easier to come to terms with, but she wasn`t. It kills me to hear her liken her self to an old lady in the morning and constantly apologising for her lack speed . This really has changed our lives. The challenge for us now is to get her home, get her happy with her surroundings and throw ourselves into a strict gym regime and with our love and the love of our friends get her as strong as an ox.

I tried to persuade the doctors to let her home for the evening so we could watch the freaks entering big brother , but i was politely reminded that this was not part of the rehab process. The compromise was that she was allowed back for her tea. At least she could have something decent. We had a rack of lamb, jersey royals , peas and leeks and for pudding apple crumble with clotted cream. 8.00 pm came and her carriage awaits. Only 21 sleeps to go.


Heidi said...

We are sending you virtual hugs and love vibes from Wood Vale, as we prepare to celebrate Mel's homecoming.. Love remains and sustains. Let's see you here soon xx

Mel said...

Thanks Heidi. We are so looking forwards to sharing a glass or two with you guys.xxxxxx

Silvana said...

Just 21 sleeps to go! Such a fantastic way to put it. We can't wait to have you home either x x x x