Wednesday 27 June 2007

Cheesy leeks......

Yesterday was my first out patient physio appointment and our first trip back to St. Georges hospital since they wheeled me out on a stretcher to The Wolfson. Whilst wandering along on my stick to the Physio department we bumped into my surgeons registra. A rather portly Canadian chap, who I kid you not practically wet himself on the spot to see me walking. He practically RAN into the hospital no doubt only to burst straight into theatre and proclaimed, its OK! She can walk!! Our careers are saved!!...

What with it being Wimbledon this week the weather is awful. Wet and really unseasonal cold....We decided to cheer our selves up with some good old carb's and comfort food. Roll up Cheesy Leeks...! Basically this is fried leeks, fried bacon, some spring onions and a really cheesy sauce in a dish - baked in the oven. Yummy and comforting served over jacket potatoes. Only about 4,000 calories a serve. We could barely move off the sofa for the rest of the day. Shouldn't be food for June though........


Heidi said...

exactly what I need, should go well with my Riesling.

Pad said...

Drink the riesling and plump for a sticky wine with loads of creme brulee. Sainos have got them on offer, the brulees that is.