Wednesday, 25 July 2007


Oh, we have been quiet! Its just it just takes me so long to do anything these days. Really, it does. I am driving Andrew mad beacuse I am so slow. This really worrys me, I used to get mad, and I mean really mad, with Andrew because I always had to wait for him. How slow must I be?!!

So, basically with trying to work, do my exercises, get to physio, well to be fair just get out of bed and down the stairs in the morning I have NO time.........

Anyway, I'm very excited today. The week before I went into Hospital I watched the 1st episode of Heroes on Sci-Fi channel. I LOVED it and set Sky+ to record on series link for me - thinking I would be back in a few days to watch it..........Four months and a whole series later Andrew had no room on Sky+ for his beloved house programs. With him being such a great hubbie and bringing M&S food to my hospital room I tried not to be pissed off when he said he had deleted Heroes. ....................Imagine my joy when I find its coming to BBC2!

First episode tonight............Happy day's.


Heidi said...

I MISSED IT!!! Will it be rerun somewhere? Can you find out for me? I haven't watched any telly this year and I am completely clueless

Pad said...

i never thought I was that slow.