Whilst I was in hospital Andrew was a bit bored. He got a new hobby. Training our two old cats to do new tricks. Slowly I am getting to see all the clever things he has taught them. Both cats can now stand on their back legs to ask for food. Kev jumps up on his back legs to reach your hand when you click your fingers.........However this morning I got to see the jewel in the crown. Andrew and I don't usually get up at the same time but we have a new routine this week. This meant we were both fighting over the bathroom sink. Except we couldn't get near it. Our big black cat was sat on the edge of it, staring at Andrew and meowing. I was about to push him off when Andrew told me that actually Ben was thirsty and could I please turn on the cold tap for him. Sorry? The cat is talking to me and is thirsty?! It was then explained that this was his and Ben's "morning routine". Sure enough Andrew turned on the cold tap, Ben cocks his head and starts drinking deep from the cold tap!!! I'm impressed, for a while. Until I realise that I have been cleaning cat prints off the sink every day since I have been home...............
I would like to thank Heidi from Woodvale Diaries for this lovely pink badge. I'm going to nominate Silvana for the rocking girl blogger award cos she always brings me cakes - really good ones!
Hooray! Thanks for the badge Mel!
You are most welcome. We all need a bit of pink in our lives.xx
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